
The Homeless Paper: $1 brings change

I'm really impressed with this thing called "The Homeless Paper" in Nashville, Tennessee.
The Contributor.

Homeless people pay 25 cents per copy then sell that copy for $1 and keep the .75 cent profit.  If someone has been or is homeless they can get started for free and if it works for them they can continue selling and make some money.

You'll see people holding them sometimes in town on sidewalks and streets.
They're legitimate and make an interesting read.

The paper has articles written by people who work to serve the homeless and people who are or have experienced homelessness. It includes some inspiring human interest stories and practical get around town information like safe places to park your car if you have to sleep in it, where to get a meal, and so on.

The paper makes money from advertising. If you make a trip to town pick one up and make a new friend. The exchange itself naturally fosters communication between the "homeless" and the homies and builds a good sense of community.

For more info visit